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Peninsula Seal Colony Kaikoura

Photo submitted by: holidayLOVER on September 12th, 2008

Size:   3872 x 2118 pixels, 866.4 KB

Average Rating:   (0 votes)

The Peninsula Seal Colony Kaikoura. Home to many of New Zealand Fur Seals (Arctocephalus fosteri) and also lots of Black-backed Gulls (Larus marinus). There are 8, maybe 9 seals visible in this photo. The rocks are evidence of the uplifts. The shape of the rocks is caused by the limestone formations being exposed to the weather and the sea eroding away the softer siltstone. Just offshore from Kaikoura is a part of the Hikurangi Trench system known as the Kaikoura Canyon. The upwelling of nutrient rich waters from these deep trenches attracts wildlife of all kinds to the area, ranging in size from plankton to the whales Kaikoura is famous for.

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