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Peeking Seal

Photo submitted by: holidayLOVER on September 18th, 2008

Size:   1096 x 822 pixels, 295.8 KB

Average Rating:   (1 votes)

Kekeno (Arctocephalus forsteri) are members of the Otariidae family of pinnipeds, fin-footed carnivorous marine mammals. They are distinguished by visible external ears and hind flippers which rotate forward. This pointy-nosed seal has long pale whiskers and a body covered with two layers of fur. Their coat is dark grey-brown on the back, and lighter below; when wet kekeno look almost black. In some animals the longer upper hairs have white tips which give the animal a silvery appearance.

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  • posted on 1264593305 0
    Overall Rating: 9.0 / 10

    The seals are so amazing!