Whangamata Walk to Luck at Last Mine - great for families

Article submitted by wippywoppy
February 3rd, 2012

Our family is a regular visitor to the beautiful Whangamata on the Coromandel at every opportunity and in the recent summer holiday break we discovered an activity suitable for our whole family , and an alternative to the surf and sand of Whangamata. The Luck at Last Mine walk is 7km north of Whangamata , a pleasent and easy 50-60 minute walk each way through forest, and bush, following a stream to old mining relics.

7KM North of Whangamata , Just past the Onemana turn off, turn left into the Taungatara Rd (Forestry Rd), it it well sign posted. Continue down this Road about 3km until just before the first River Crossing and the track starts on the left. The track is a very clearly marked and our kids (aged 11, 9 and 7) managed this walk easily, it is mostly flat, with a couple small inclines through gorgeous pine covered forests.

This was one of the most enjoyable family walks we have done and the kids loved exploring the old mine relics at the end of the track.

I would advise to check with the local information office in Whangamata before you walk as this foresty Road is ofen closed several days a week for logging trucks.

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