Church and Lake Tekapo in the back drop
Turquoise Water of Lake Tekapo


Article submitted by Krister
February 9th, 2007

Almost smack bang in the middle of the South Island you will find Lake Tekapo. A very small town laying along side of the stunning Lake Tekapo. The water is the most amazing turquoise blue giving the scenic shots of the Mackenzie Country a vibrant and almost electric look. This is apparently caused by the source of the lake being glacial and as such has a large mineral content, this not very scientific definition somehow makes the water an unreal blue colour.

As far as eating, there isn’t a great variety but there are a couple of cafes and restaurants that are usually reasonably full of tourists. But a good old pie , custard square and pottle of chips can be easily found! Or you could try out the Japanese restaurant although try to get a sitting when the tour buses haven’t just come in. Of course if the sun is shining, a picnic by the idyllic lake is a must.

Down by the lake you will find the quaint Church of the Lone Shepard, an old stone church nestled down on the side of the lake. The church is beautifully crafted and serves as a popular fairy tale wedding location. If you do see a bride don't be confused, some tourists think they put on as entertainment. They will actually be real life weddings,,, so don't go and jump in the photo shots unless asked.

A little further up the road you will find the iconic Kiwi statue of a sheep dog. A tribute to all the collie dogs that had helped the southern farmers use the area for sheep farming. A great little photo opportunity, however again, try and get there in between tour buses to get a clear shot.

As far as accommodation goes there are a few hotels and the campground is just out of town by the lake with easy boat access for fishing or water skiing. There are many other activities such as hiking, cycling, golf and more. In the winter there is an open air ice skating rink and heli-skiing options, but definitely get out the winter woolies as the wind may well have a bite to it.

This is a small article for a small town, however it is well worth the visit as the scenery alone is breathtaking.

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