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Humboldt Falls

Photo submitted by: Dic_Clifton on April 17th, 2009

Size:   2304 x 3072 pixels, 1.9 MB

Average Rating:   (2 votes)

With all the rainfall that Fiordland gets it's no wonder that there are some many impressive waterfalls. Humboldt Falls is a very impressive waterfall located in the Hollyford Valley. Humboldt Falls is the third tallest falls in New Zealand, falling 275 metres in three drops. The largest of the three drops is 134 metres high. To view Humboldt Falls is a 30 min return walk from the end of the Hollyford Road. The track is well graded and takes you on a short climb through the rainforest.

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  • posted on 1303751355
    Overall Rating: 9.0 / 10

    We rock hopped upstream for a closer view - awesome!!

  • posted on 1264513592 0
    Overall Rating: 9.0 / 10

    This is gorgeous! Makes me want to see it. I have added it to our web sit with your name attached.